People might say that Volunteerism is a ‘thing’ nowadays like using pilot shaker was the coolest thing a primary school kid could have back then. It was real because Brother Luqman asked us to just leave if our intention was just to take selfies with the kids and post it online, as if you did the charity of the day, wow.
Probably my second, or third, I could not remember volunteering, but this particular one was significant. Play & Pray The Daily Reminder left a huge impact on me as I swam on the surface of a new community and discipline of theirs. Organized by Mercy Mission, I met so many new volunteers with different ages and different background. Exiting from my comfort zone, I challenged myself as I was given the responsibility to lead the module department.
Clueless was the best word to define me on dry run. I was left with a list of tasks, along with my other two colleagues, to prepare materials and to know each modules’ particular like at the back of our hands. With bravery, we prepared.
Day 1 was absolutely fun. Aside preparing the modules and assisting the facilitators, I had the chance to mingle around with the kids as I learnt so much from them. Play & Pray focuses on spiritual enhancement and the kids were top-notch! They memorised the last juz of the quran, knew seerah of the prophet, and had the curiosity that wanted to learn anything. We personally thought the modules we prepared were quite tough on them, but it turns out to be the other way around! In short, the kids had an intellect of wise teenagers and I couldn\’t be more awed than that matter of fact.
When Day 2 ends, my team and I were supremely exhausted but genuinely happy. Saying good byes to the kids was difficult as we had already established a bond between us. Day 2 was full of physical activities such as Explorace, and these kids had power levels that can’t beat any Energizer Battery. They were proactive and enjoying themselves with activities provided and made friends without being prejudice. I think that is the beauty of kids.
What was truly important was, I learnt so much from the kids. The first trait was to be selfless. Put others ahead you, help on another, then you will find happiness. Next ; Be grateful, enjoy life as it is, even though you are given a limited amount of blessings, do not be greedy. Lastly, never let your curiosity dies. When it dies, seeking knowledge would be a waste of time.
Till then,
- Photos taken from Play and Pray Facebook Page