It has been a week (read : 5 days) since the beginning of Semester 3, here in INTEC.
To look back from where I had left, to the place I am now, I never thought I’d gone this far. To be honest, I had never encounter or fathom the thought of doing A Levels because my only dream back then when I was in Seri Puteri is to do Political Science in France.
I survived a year of A Levels ( read : quite similar to Hell but I’ve never been in one ). Nether it was easy nor it was impossible. Bak kata Raudhah, bearable. Like bearing pain, so much of it but you’re not dying yet. Yet lah.
Masa SPM dulu, boleh survive buat 9 subjects sekali gus, pure science pulak tu with an addmaths. So bila mentality buat A Levels ni macam, alah 3 subject, dulu boleh dapat 9 A apatah lagi 3 A.
Amaran : Ini adalah pembohongan semata-mata. Jika anda rasa macam dapat 3A lagi senang daripada dapat 5A masa UPSR, please please please rethink.
For the past semester 2 ( because I did the semester one post in the previous blog ), it was tough because we had to sit for AS in May. AS is the examination you have to take in order to comply your A2 exams (in the fourth semester), and as the result of the whole A Levels is an average of both examination. It was rushing to finish up the syllabus and after two three weeks was our trial.
Studying for Alevels is wayyyyyy different than I had to study for my SPM. Countless sleepless nights, too much notes to be revised, too much website to go through in order to get extra info, too much essay to be written and …. too much crying.
Back then during high school, I slept the earliest. Two minutes after lights off, maybe I was in dreamland, or running around the hostel just to find my batchleader. But now in college, I can’t stay awake even for dinner, it was exhausting. Classes from 8 to 5 with presentations and law arguments and tutorials. Meetings of commitee and other unimportant matters. Sometimes I slept at 8 and woke up and 1 just to finish up reading Economics.
Nevertheless, as Hulma said ; Masa A Levels ni lah baru betul betul rasa belajar. A Levels tak sama macam SPM, kalau hafal je skema, mati lah kau nak. Baru betul betul faham konsep, faham apa yang dia betul betul nak.
As for me, it is so true. Like learning Economics, I totally can relate it the the real world situation. Like what is really the demand and supply and how you’re suppose to evaluate. Like answering a law tutorial and your lecturer said ; All your answers are right, I want you guys to argue which cases are more accurate to use. To see things in a very different perspective.
Most important is, I managed to study accounting. The two years syllabus of SPM was being taught in less than a year. Maybe this sounds so self-indulgence but yes, I’m proud of myself from not knowing the major differences of Debit and Credit to making the whole account of manufacturing account by myself, woohoo,
For me it doesn’t matter the grades that you achieved, it\’s the knowledge you gained, the experience you felt, the discipline that shapes you and the determination of a self-will.
& here I would like to express my deepest gratitude to the wonderful people who had been keeping up with me for the months and weeks, just to endure and excel in our AS. I know you guys wont be reading this but Amir, Tikah, Amani, Nani, Cah, Hanna, Malin, thanks a lot guys. Thank you for never give up on me, never stop explaining over and over again just to make me understand, thank you for the endless reminders and yes, thank you for your duaas :’)