It’s Friday and I just gave up on doing some cardios in the living room. Questions that I ask myself every single day, why is it so hard to lose weight when it’s so easy to gain it?
but, oh well.
Life has been amazing, I suppose because I’m spending the summer here in the United Kingdom. It gives me space for me to think, reflect and have my own time. I’m thinking of doing a lot of things during the summer. Britain Solo Trip, Hand Sewing or Embroidery and enroll myself for an online course on Coursera or EdX (which I already did. I’m currently learning about International Law woohoo)
Most importantly, the job that I’m currently indulging myself in. I’m working as a housekeeper in the university’s accommodation. Every day for half a day and the pay is absolutely the main reason to keep going (jokes!)
I am tremendously blessed with an amazing supervisor called Mary. Often calling us with endearments like (my two little lovelies, and, oh you’re such a sweetheart!), very positive and gives feedbacks like no other teacher would. The thing is with this job, it is not instagrammable neither it is fancy enough to be put in a CV if you wish to not pursue it as a career in the future. But hey, I could be so ‘selekeh’ wearing tshirts and sweatpants to work, no problem.
Some might say, ‘ahh it’s an easy job, everyone can do it’. I kid you not, it challenges you in every way you could. Physically, it is challenging. You need to carry buckets full of products like acid, ‘pink stuffs for bathrooms’, ‘red spray for kitchens’, doogle booger which I really don’t know the name but its useful, and lots of rugs. Some days it can be really warm and those rooms do not have any air conditioning.
Some days the toilets are filthy (imagining me super close to vomiting), some days the toilets are well behaved. Some days the floor are just horrendous (as per what Mary says), some days we assumed that the person living in is clean and organised. Sarah and I like to assume who lived in the room, assumptions were made by evidence of rubbish, unattended personal stuff that they left behind like protein shakes bottles or tampons. I went to an extend to be able to conclude that the people who lived they are brunettes and blondes just because I cleaned after their study chairs, funny isn’t.
Most importantly, this job brings me to a realisation that you are nobody in this world. No matter how mighty or successful you could be, there are other people who are struggling and you do not have any rights to judge them. Cleaners, housekeepers, waitress, anyone that you think ‘ahh he must be underqualified’ or ‘she must have dropped school’ or ‘I will never do this job in my entire life’, then you need to rethink. Be humble and be kind. Just think if you’re in their position and mentalities such as ‘why should I clean the table, it’s the waitress job’ or ‘why should I pick up the litter, it’s the cleaners’ duty’, then I would say please step down from your highly mighty position.
In this cruel world, we are living nowadays, it is important to be kind. Because being successful is too mainstream.