Assalamualaikum, may peace be upon you, and me, who is currently struggling to finish one of my coursework before heading off to Manchester and ultimately to Switzerland! Finally getting to meet and spend time with Izzah, Hulma and Mawaddah. I mean hey the last time we were seeing each other was way back in INTEC.
I never thought that sitting in my room, reading articles after articles, textbooks after textbooks could be so so so draining and exhausting like its mentally tiring! Phew, I’m rethinking of my dreams to pursue my Masters but hey, nothing comes easy in life ey. Must pursue Masters, inshaAllah!!
I just watched a video on Facebook and it is very beautiful and deep. It talks about how one adapts with the coldest season of the year – winter. I was born and raised in a very very very tropical country. Like the coldest I have felt in my own country would probably be a 25 degree celcius where it rained a whole day long but its never a condition where you needed to wear two layers of clothing. Normally in my country, the lesser, the better * winks * hehe
But coming to the UK, my family and friends are excited to know that I’ll be having winter – snow especially. It’s human nature I presume that we tend to get excited and giddy about the things we don’t have. Often we underestimate the power of the new changes. When you’re facing winter, it’s never as pretty as the snow. It’s the layers of jackets and sweaters and undergarments that makes it tedious for you to go out when normally it’s just a tee shirt and jeans. It’s the dry skin and cold nose. It’s the 3pm in the afternoon darkness and you get really confused whether to have lunch or dinner. Coming from a country where dusk is normally 07:00 am and dawn is 07:00pm all year long, it’s hard for you to adapt your body to it.
It’s the adaptation that we can learn from winter. Even though my favourite seasons are spring and autumn, winter has taught me a lot. It taught me patience and warmth. Patience of enduring all the coldness, the long nights and be creative in occupying your time. Maybe netflix or maybe just talking to your friends. Maybe reading a book or just enjoy having the pleasure to sleep extra hours then usual months. Hibernate, be a Polar Bear! hehe. Warmth of friendships – cold winter nights would be unbearable for me if I don’t have my friends to talk to, to watch movies together and cook dinner together with. It taught me than even though I’m far away from Malaysia, independently living without my parents, I couldn’t manage it without my friends. Be grateful zethy, be grateful.