We went hiking at Beacons in South Wales and challenged all the muscles in our body, which was not the best idea. However, we had fun enjoying the magnificent waterfall and be reminded who created it.
Ultimately procrastinating from doing my formative essay, which seems so complicated and terrifying. Yet, all these poor excuses would not help as you just need to do it Zethy. Just freaking do it.
Postgraduate life is not the same as my three years doing LLB in Essex. It is more intense and people (lecturers, tutors, myself duh) expect an outcome that is directly proportionate to the inputs which I must tell you isn\’t as grand as my classmates. Inferior seems to always cloud my ever feeble mind and often this self wonder where did the once loud and brave Zethy went to.
If you’re reading this, I hope that you can make dua for this poor soul. Toodles! Back to writing my essay hihi