Assalamualaikum, hey guys.
When Elopura & Kinabatangan, we became Kinapura, which is a weird name to compare to John’s and Jay’s group. But what the heck right. Even when discussion meetings, i cant help it to feel annoyed with Hafiz and Ammar’s silence like they have brilliant ideas in their head but the just go nodding with what Chi said.
So it was a project. Despite its slightly different from Majaka to Teacher’s Day to French Carnival to Class trip, but I went through it, without masam muka and yelling to each other ( that was just me exaggerating, we never yell to each other haha)
& I remembered the morning, when I was just a few footsteps to step into the bus to go sell the bracelets when Alia was like, i think you’re better with children, come with us laa. Im like yeah, can’t even get my niece to love me what about some other kids? But Chi’s face was like mengharap so I’m like, okay lets go to the hospital shall we?
So in the van we were like brainstorming ( a thing we should be doing like a few days before), the activities and the itineraries like ” we can do the pill banana dance ” i was so excited while clapping my hands but Chi, Am, Shearer were like putting up their blur faces. Thank god i got Alia whom was so supportive of my wild and childish ideas, which she doesnt have any clue about.
The moment i laid my eyes to those kids, i was speechless. I never thought of how hard a child can carry such burden while i feel like my world tumbling down if i have a bad fever. They were diagnosed with,
blood cancer
hati berlubang.
But they were strong, just to live their life.
They fight even with their infant strength.
They did’t gave up even if the doctors said they have a few months just to breathe.
and I should too.
i miss those kids.
” Kakak dan abang datang balik kan bawa kami gula-gula cokelat?”
” Iya bahhh. Kitaorang datang balik punya”
Their laughter. Their weird faces when we asked them to hug each other. Their enthusiasm to watch upin & ipin for the first time.
14 days to go. To enroll to INTEC. To pursue my A-Levels. Semoga Allah permudahkan.
Semoga Allah beri aku kekuatan, macam budak-budak ni.
Tuhan jangan izinkan aku lupa, jangan biarkan ku mendepang dada. Paksakan hatiku pada kaki, paksakan ku tunduk sehingga mati. – Fyn Jamal